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Instrucciones de Medicamentos en Español
COS – Instrucciones de Medicamentos en Español por favor presione aqui para obtener instrucciones.

Medication Instruction English
cOS – Medication Instructions in English Please press here to get the instructions

The diagnostic test called sonohysterogram involves injecting sterile saline through the cervix into the uterus. The saline flows into the uterus enabling the physician to determine if the uterus is

The hysterosalpingogram is an x-ray test that takes a picture after dye has filled the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. It is a useful test in helping determine

Semen Analysis
Semen Analysis A Semen Analysis is important to evaluate infertility. It will provide your physidan with information on sperm count, sperm movement and sperm structure. HOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR SPERM

Egg Recipient Treatment Overview
Egg Recipient Treatment Overview The term “egg donation” refers to the use of eggs that have been donated by a third person (donor) to enable an infertile couple (intended recipient)

IVF – Cycle
IVF – Cycle PREPARATION Following your consultation with the physician and reviewing your option of care, if IVF cycle was chosen you will undergo preparation towards your treatment. You will

IUI Cycle Overview
IUI Cycle Overview Call the office on day I or 2 of period to schedule “Day 3 lUI Start”. This appointment will include blood work and an ultrasound. Pending the